The universal shoring system based on CONDOR multidirectional scaffolding elements which offers great design versatility saving execution time.
The characteristics of the system are:
- Simplicity, lightness, flexibility and cost effectiveness;
- Based on standard and modular elements which are more advantageous in many situations compared with traditional shoring;
- Easy design, in case of standard situations with height up to 30m;
- Easy to use, intuitive assembly and disassembly allowing the realization of variable section structures;
- Vertical and horizontal 50 cm modularity (allowing maximum flexibility in design and application);
- Variable load capacity from 30 to 50 kN per standard (therefore, a tower with four standards has a 200 kN maximum capacity);
- Easy to handle with castor wheels full integrated with the tower in case of transportation that allow transportation without disassembly;
- Perfect integration with staircases tower and full compatibility with the system for easy and fast access to all heights of the work;
- Suitable for casting significantly thick slabs, such as underpasses, bridges, viaducts and tunnels;
- Wide range of accessories and components.
The system is made up of standards, ledgers and diagonals, hot dip galvanized, and offers the chance of being used as single tower or multiple linked towers.
Based on the multidirectional scaffolding, it preserves all its advantages, thus offering great weight/capacity ratio, elements modularity, fast and intuitive assembly and a significant versatility in designingm complex plano-altimetric shapes.
© 2000-2025, Condor S.p.A. CF/PI IT05797860961 | Capitale Sociale 1.300.000,00 euro i.v. | Repertorio Economico Amministrativo n. 166637
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