Structures in CONDOR multidirectional system for stages with standard modules of 200×200 cm and 200×100 cm.
Walking surfaces with both stage decks (in aluminum) of 200×50 cm in anti-slip fire-resistant multilayer class 1 wood and wooden beams and decks.
The stage includes access stairs. The height of the stage can vary by using differently sized standards. Parapets can be made with both standard ledgers of the multidirectional scaffoldings or with one closing element only.

CONDOR stages can have lateral, single or double walls, with different height, made with multidirectional scaffoldings, directly connected to the stage, in order to enable the connection of engines for lifting up the covering and the audio/light system.
This stage was designed in compliance with regulation in force for a capacity of 600 Kg/m².
CONDOR stages are designed in compliance with regulation in force:
- New Technical Standards for construction dated January 14, 2008, Table 3.1.II;
- European standards for structural design: Euro code 1, Euro Code 3, Euro Code 9.