TC80 Shoring Towers

The modular frame system for large shoring-heights and high loads. The characteristics of the system are: Low number of elements for easy and fast assembly, disassembly and handling; Resistance: 80 kN maximum load capacity per standard, i.e. 320 kN per tower; Modularity: the 50 cm span makes the system very flexible and allows to design … Continua

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Multicom shoring towers

The universal shoring system based on CONDOR multidirectional scaffolding elements which offers great design versatility saving execution time. The characteristics of the system are: Simplicity, lightness, flexibility and cost effectiveness; Based on standard and modular elements which are more advantageous in many situations compared with traditional shoring; Easy design, in case of standard situations with … Continua

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GD 600 system

GD600 is a trench shoring system to protect excavation and canalization works up to 6,00m depth and 5,00m width. The system is made up of standard 3.00m x H=2.00 m panels which pass along a double guide. The connection system is made up of spacers including sideshift elements. The double guide allows the positioning of … Continua

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MA self-sinking system

CONDOR developed the MA trench shoring system, in order to guarantee maximum safety in trenching works up to maximum 4.40 m depth with soil of good consistency. The system is used already assembled in the job site. The MA trench shoring is made up of a standard 3.00m x H=2.00m panels, connected with adjustable spacers. … Continua

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Vega Deck

As a result of an accurate study of production process and intended applications, CONDOR decks have unique and matchless features in matter of safety, resistance and manageability. CONDOR produces a wide range of steel decks, made both in galvanized steel and aluminum. Decking levels have an anti-slip system (embossed/drilled), which makes CONDOR products unique in … Continua

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Sirio Deck

The deck is produced by a single cold-formed sheet. The “TP” mark results from embossing the hook fittings. The deck is made up as follows: Galvanized sheet surface, 1 mm thick, S250GD, 494 mm wide and L long, with three folds forming three closed profile, which make up the decking level. The sheet creates a … Continua

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System Fence Bar.Co

The Bar.Co system is used for the creation of construction-site fencings for areas that are off limits to equipment and/or people or for areas meant for storage or parking. The system has a long life and requires minimum maintenance due to the galvanized coating. Its quick and simple assembly makes it easy to use since … Continua

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Scaffolding Tube and Coupler

Simple, adaptable and cheap, it allows the coupling of components through right angle couplers. The characteristics of the system are: Steel: S235JR Coupler: Pressed, high resistance steel, tropicalized Tube: painted and galvanized, available in different length Diameter: 48.3mm x 3.20mm   This scaffolding can be used in civil engineering and industrial one, with solutions accepted … Continua

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The Modular – Mobile scaffold

Used for external works, the mobile scaffold is used for repair and maintenance of facades and wherever works on height are needed. Steady and strong, the “COMPONIBILE” (this was the name chosen for the mobile scaffolding) has a supporting structure made of steel tubes of 48 mm diameter and uses the steel deck which is … Continua

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Cassaforma Comax

Il sistema di casseratura COMAX grazie ai pannelli di grande superficie ed un ridotto numero di accessori rappresenta la soluzione ideale per facilitare ed accelerare le operazioni di casseratura ed è in grado di resistere ad elevate pressioni di getto. Il sistema di cassaforma COMAX è perfettamente indicato per la realizzazione di tutti i manufatti … Continua

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